Friday, October 19, 2012

Breakfawr Time

So I really wanted to try something new for my newly husband, and I wanted to make him happy with a new breakfast. I really don't know how to cook, I just got married okay! (like 10 months ago) I am learning but I have seen that I am really This is my new creation "Egg inside Bread". I know it already exists but my husband doesn't (I think).
Awesome, that's what I thought when I had the egg inside the circle inside the bread. If you want to do this here are the instructions.
-1 egg
-1 piece of bread
-ham or bacon or whatever you want
-knife or cookie cutter
-vegetable oil
-Black pepper(only if you want)
                     First put the bread inside the toaster, so the bread is crispy and delicious.

          Then put vegetable oil in the pan. I prefer vegetable oil in the spray so you don't use too much.

                                 This is the picture of the two lucky eggs that my husband will eat.

   Then put the ham when you see that the pan is ready and hot,cook the ham or bacon until desire crispness
Meanwhile your ham or bacon is cooking, you use your cookie cutter or a knife (like me because I don't have a cookie cutter) and cut a circle in the middle, try to be as perfect as you can.

                                                         then put it on the pan with ham.

        then crack the egg on the top of the circle, so all the egg falls inside the circle. (the egg was stupid)
                                    Finally flip it when you see that the bottom is a little bit cooked

My husband loved "MY" creation, he said that I am getting better <3

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